We seem to live in an era where if Rihanna, Kylie or Beyonce do it, it’s deemed to be “okay”. They can bare their somewhat voluptuously shaped buttocks for  all to see at their concerts or on their Instagram and what happens? The digits in their account multiply. There is almost a necessity for the woman of today to bare all in order to be somewhat noticed, in order to attract a fan base and at the end of it, make money. This seems to be irrespective of social status, portfolio of work or influence.

Robin Thicke and Pharrell must be all too familiar with this notion. Their official video of their single “Blurred Lines” featured close to stark naked women, flouncing around a fully dressed Thicke and Pharrell, so vulgar that it was banned to be shown before a certain time. There is an evident prevalence within the entertainment industry of women revealing nude or semi-nude displays and this emphasis clearly exceeds that put on men.  Is it also a shock to mention that Hollywood executives are overwhelmingly male? I guess that answers for a lot. I was passing by a display at a local Peacocks store where I noticed that a poster of a woman in lingerie was wedges in between the men’s display. I glanced over at the women’s side to see if they had done vice versa with men but there was nothing. To be completely honest, I wasn’t shocked but feelings of despair and sadness were wound up in my system at how unfair it was.  

To stir up emotions ever further, females of today are blindly following these trends like lambs to the slaughter, unknowingly unaware of the value they hold. Where’s the backlash? Where’s the surge of women with steel backbones ready to defy these norm and standards?  If this is how society has chosen to view women –as merely sexualised objects that are way more interesting when shaking a little booty or walking across your handheld screen barely clothed- where does that leave our children? Mel C, a self-proclaimed fan of, admitted that she banned her five-year old daughter from looking at pictures of Rihanna because the star was “too raunchy”. And she is one of a few. Some may define the female anatomy as a work of art rather than a meagre money-making spectacle and of course if cannot be denying that it’s beautiful but the this pleasurable view should not be to the detriment of a woman. 

The entertainment industry as we know it is ruthless and relentlessly tight-fisted with their definition of beauty and what they quite frankly care most about is the money rather than the woman. It’s more than possible to make an impact on this world and make money fully clothed, take Hilary Clinton for example, or Michelle. But who in the industry is brave enough to be the scapegoat?


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