Being comfortable in our own skin regardless of the flaws with have is near enough impossible with the rise of unrealistic expectations being demanded from young people nowadays. We spoke to Joanne owner Nünude, a clothing unique clothing brand that emphasis natural skin colours through clothing and focuses on creating and accentuating confidence amongst its customers. We wanted to find out what inspired her to create a brand that is inclusive of all people regardless of their shape, size or background and why she injecting confidence into today’s society is so important. Tell us about YOU Joanne. The Joanne behind the brand. Well, my name is Joanne Baban Morales. Growing up I realised that my mindset was quite different to those around me. I was always ambitious and always sought for new ways to better myself. In school, I started selling Colombian sweets as a means to make some “fun money”. In secondary school I upgraded to selling trainers and then tracksuits. Even